This kit contains :
a card with eight (8) “SeeMe” peel-off high performance reflector segments
eight (8) paper cut-out practice reflector segments
Installation Instructions leaflet, and
Reflector Spacing Guide.
Important to Note:
Please read and clearly understand all these installation instructions before proceeding to fit your “SeeMe” Reflectors onto your bicycle.
“SeeMe” Reflectors have extremely strong adhesive which means that great care is needed when fitting them.
If attached in the wrong position they will not be able to be adjusted or re-positioned. Therefore they must be lined up very accurately and correctly before being allowed to contact the bicycle frame. To help with this, Paper Practice Reflector segments have been included with this kit to assist in getting this positioning correct and lined up very accurately.
Please take your time and great care to make a really neat job of fitting these “SeeMe” reflectors. They are about to become a very important part of your bicycle for a long time, so it is very desirable that they look as neat and professionally fitted as possible. Refer to the picture below for guidance.
The “SeeMe” Reflectors system has been created to make bicycles highly visible from every direction at night and to do so using a special “Block of 4” bicycle reflector recognition image. See the pictures below.
The “SeeMe” Reflector system involves wrapping two of these reflector segments around the lower part of each of the four (4) wheel fork shafts - See pictures below - in accordance with the installation spacing shown on the Reflector Spacing Guide.
The reflectors are designed to be fitted low on the bicycle frame where they can receive the maximum amount of light from low beam car headlights and therefore provide the maximum reflective safety visibility.
These reflectors are added accessories to the bicycle. They are additional to and are not intended to form part of any current bicycle lighting regulations. Yellow reflective is used as yellow is 5 times brighter than the traditional red and more easily seen by the human eye than white reflective.

Fitting Instructions
Items needed: Dry rag, very fine felt tip pen, scissors, and some ‘Blu-Tack’ re-usable adhesive.
1. Please read and understand all of these instructions carefully before commencing the fitting operation.
2. Vigorously clean and dry each the 4 fork shafts on the bicycle.
3. Start work on the front forks first because that is easier.
4. Using the Spacing Guide below, exactly mark 30mm up from the bottom of each of the fork shafts to the positions of the bottom and top of the bottom reflectors. Then using the Spacing Guide mark 44mm up to the bottom of the top reflectors and mark the bottom and top of them. Refer to the Reflector Spacing Guide below.
5. Cut out four (4) of the eight (8) paper practice reflective segments with scissors and attach a small piece of ‘Blu-Tack’ to each corner of each practice segment.
6. Attach the practice reflectors neatly around the fork shafts as marked and with the lettering running vertically up the shafts.
7. Position these practice reflector segments on the fork shafts so that half is facing forward and is half facing to the outer side of the bike. This is very important with thick shafts. With thin shafts the reflectors will possibly wrap all around the shaft.
8. Make sure that the practice segments are exactly square to the shaft.
9. Now stand the bicycle exactly vertically. Then stand back 3 metres from of the bike and VISUALLY CHECK THAT THE REFLECTOR ARE POSITIONED EXACTLY OPPOSITE EACH OTHER BETWEEN EACH SIDE OF THE BICYCLE. This is necessary so that a very neat and balanced "Block of 4" bicycle recognition image is created at the front. Refer to the pictures below.
10. Mark the top and bottom of the reflector positions all the way round each shaft.
11. Bend the “SeeMe” Reflector carried card backwards both length ways and cross ways to loosen the edges of each reflector segment.
12. Next carefully replace each practice reflector segment with a real “SeeMe” Reflector segment, BUT :
(a) Be careful not to touch the adhesive on the back as that will reduce it adhesive strength.
(b) Make sure that the lettering runs parallel up the shafts.
(c) Attach the reflector segments by starting down their middle and stretch them outwards each way around the shaft. This helps the reflective material to "stretch" better around the shafts.
(d) Avoid air pockets occurring.
13. Press the segments down firmly to obtain a strong adhesive attachment. Using the back of the teaspoon for back of a fingernail really push the reflector edges down very hard to obtain a really strong edge attachment and thus minimise any "edge peel-back" occurring.
14. When finished, repeat the whole process on the rear wheel forks. Here the reflectors must be placed so that half the reflector is facing to the rear and half is facing the outer side of the bike.
15. Again, with the bicycle positioned vertically, stand back and make sure that the reflectors are positioned correctly and are creating a very neat "Block of 4" bicycle recognition image. Now fit the rear "SeeMe" Reflector segments as you did with the front forts.
16. NOTE : On some bicycles there may be brake or gear fittings on the rear forks requiring the practice reflector segment to be cut so that the correct reflector spacing is maintained. Do this, then copy and cut a “SeeMe” Reflector segment to this shape with the backing membrane still attached. Then remove the backing membrane and attach the tailored “SeeMe” Reflector segments into position.
17. FINALLY reapply pressure to each reflector segment to again compress them tightly to the Bicycle shafts. Run pressure down the reflector edges with the back of the teaspoon or the back of a fingernail to get a really to get a really tight edge adhesion to minimise the change of any "edge peel-back" occurring.
18. Should any "edge peel-back" ever occur in the future this should be immediately treated using a small amount of ‘Super Glue’ to glue the edge back down onto the bicycle frame.

“SeeMe” Reflectors as seen from the side at night.
Be Seen, Stay Alive

“SeeMe” Reflectors working in late evening light.

“SeeMe” "Reflectors working in darkness and showing the distinguishing 'BLOCK of 4' bicycle reflector formation at both the front and rear of a bicycle.

“SeeMe” "Reflectors fitted to thick front wheel fork shafts where they can only reach half the way around the shaft. The reflectors therefore have to be fitted carefully so that they are primarily facing both the front and the side of each shaft. Note how they only just show up on the other side of the wheel fork.
The bottom reflector must be installed 30mm up from the bottom of the shaft and there must be a 44mm space between it and the top of the reflector as shown on the Spacing Guide.
“SeeMe” "Reflectors shown fitted to thin rear fork shafts such as on racing bikes. These reflectors must be attached primarily facing to the rear and to the outer side of the bicycle. In fact here the reflectors can actually fit all the way around the fork shafts but the spacing of the reflectors remains 30mm up from the bottom of the shaft and the spacing between the reflectors must be 44mm.

“SeeMe” Reflectors
positioned exactly opposite each other from one side of the bicycle to the other.